UNGRIPP is inviting people serving an IPP sentence, and their loved ones, to come together to contribute to the Independent Commission into the Experience of Victims and Long Term Prisoners (the ICEVLTP).
What is an independent commission?
An independent commission is a group that is free from outside or political control, which examines a particular social issue. The group gathers and examines evidence from a range of people, and says what it thinks should happen to resolve identified problems. In this case, the ICEVLTP is examining how the UK responds to serious crime.
Who is involved?
The ICEVLTP is chaired by the Bishop of Prisons, and former chair of the Hillsborough Investigation Panel, Bishop James Jones. He is supported by an expert panel with experience of working with victims and perpetrators of crime, a range of representatives from diverse fields, and the Prison Reform Trust.
What is it trying to achieve?
The Commission aims to stimulate fresh thinking on how serious crime is dealt with at every stage of the process. It is intended to create more informed debate about serious crime, and include the perspectives of everybody affected. It will produce a report, which will detail problems, and make policy recommendations.
Why is it relevant to the IPP sentence?
The IPP sentence was intended to address serious crime. UNGRIPP is submitting a response to the Commission, which we hope will draw attention to the sentence’s problems, and ensure that it is given proper consideration. We hope that this will lead to changes to the IPP sentence being included in the Commission’s recommendations.
How can I contribute?
To support our response, we invite people who are serving an IPP sentence, and their friends and family, to tell us what they would like the Commission to know. We will collate the responses we receive, and make a submission on behalf of those who respond. By doing so, we hope to give people affected by the IPP sentence a collective voice in an initiative which has the potential to push for meaningful change.
If you would like to contribute to UNGRIPP’s response, please fill out our form here:
The form has eight sections, which address the topics of interest to the Commission. You can answer as few or as many questions as you like. We are grateful for all contributions.
What’s the point?
We understand that people affected by the IPP sentence have already told their story many times, to little effect. We cannot guarantee that this will be any different. But we can offer an opportunity to have those stories heard by a group that is interested, and has a degree of power. We believe that united action is the best way of keeping the IPP sentence visible, and pushing for change.
Can I respond to the Commission directly?
If you would prefer to respond directly to the Commission yourself, you can do so. This area of their website tells you how:
Please note that the deadline for responses has been extended, but we recommend you respond as soon as possible.
I want to tell the Commission what I think about the IPP sentence, but I’m not serving it and I’m not a friend/family member. Can I still contribute?
UNGRIPP’s response is specifically on behalf of people serving the sentence and their loved ones, so please don’t use our form if you don’t fall into either of those categories. However, we think it’s really important that the Commission knows what any member of the public thinks about the IPP sentence, so we encourage you to write to them directly, via the above link. You’re welcome to use the questions on our form to structure your own response.
How can I find out what happens?
We will post any relevant updates on the Commission on our website.
If you have any particular questions, you’re welcome to tweet us at @UNGRIPP, email us at ungripp@gmail.com, or contact the Commission directly, here: